Nomad Blog2024-03-04T21:13:44+00:00

Blog Articles

Ready, Steady, Go: Mobile Command Center Readiness

We've said it before*; Parking your mobile operations asset and walking away for an extended period of time is a precarious proposition. Predicting when emergencies will strike is impossible, so risk reduction is the name of the game. Ongoing personnel training and asset exercising, updating, and upgrading reduce the likelihood of encountering unexpected challenges [...]

This Mobile Mammography Vehicle Started With a Bake Sale

Great things can arise from humble, purposeful beginnings. By the spring of 2019, the Kalispell Regional Healthcare (KRH) mobile mammography coach, dubbed The Winkley Women's Center, had seen 11 years of service. Across Montana's rural and remote health deserts, vital services were brought closer to those in need. The original Winkley Women's Center [...]

How We Forge Lasting Partnerships With Customers

When considering a mobile operations acquisition, you may be feeling overwhelmed. The decisions around platforms, features, costs, and capabilities can seem daunting. In these formative stages, who you partner with is critical. But remember, a collaboration that delivers long-term value doesn't stop at delivery. Nomad is with you for the entire lifespan of your [...]

February 23, 2021|Nomad Solutions|

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework: What You Need to Know

Any time critical data lives on a network, the potential threats to an emergency response mission are very real. Enter the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. Are response teams, many with limited budgets and human resources, on their own to define and prepare for cybersecurity threats? Thankfully, no. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [...]

February 5, 2021|Cybersecurity, Insights|

Off-the-Shelf or Mission-Driven: Finding the Best Mobile Operations Center for Your Team

Stock or custom? You're used to making this choice with household items, personal vehicles, and more. But what about your organization's major mobile ops purchase?To make such a decision, your team must fully understand the options and what's truly possible.Why would I buy off-the-shelf?For many customers, the desire to take a stock approach stems from [...]

October 15, 2020|Insights, Nomad Solutions|

New Versus Renew: Should you retrofit or start fresh?

Investing in a solution for mobile operations was likely one of the most important (and hopefully best) decisions your organization has ever made. But that was years ago and now you're wondering if it's time for an update or a wholesale change. Sound familiar? Communities across the country face this same dilemma. Is it [...]

October 2, 2020|Insights, Procurement|

Ahead of the Wave: Preparing for Disaster Double-Hits

Even in a "typical" year, well-understood, seasonal threats present incredible challenges to governments, responding agencies, and citizens. 2020 has been anything but ordinary, and adding a public health crisis to the mix makes disaster scenarios exponentially more complex.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts 2020 will be an above average hurricane season. [...]

June 8, 2020|Insights, Nomad Solutions, Public Health|

3 Success Strategies for Long Deployments

Extended deployments happen, especially in times of elevated need. When you find yourself in the field longer than planned, you'll appreciate having prepared ahead of time. Assets will need less attention and teams will be more comfortable, efficient, and effective. You may even find that you're a resource for other agencies and organizations who [...]

May 6, 2020|Insights, Nomad Solutions, Public Health|

Think Small: A Right-Sized Response Platform

In a widespread public health disaster, communication networks, equipment, and personnel will be overextended, perhaps even failing.  Global pandemics like SARS, H1N1, and COVID-19 can't be whacked into submission with a big hammer. An effective response demands that powerful solutions be dispersed tactically, starting where the urgency is greatest. The strategies we choose to [...]

April 5, 2020|Events, Insights, Nomad Solutions|

10 Applications for Mobile Ops in a Public Health Crisis

The world looks different than it did a month ago. Tomorrow, it will look different again. In spite of the unknowns and minute-by-minute changes of COVID-19, one thing remains constant... We have limitless opportunities to serve one another with care, compassion, and just the right amount of urgency. Here are a few ways you [...]

March 29, 2020|Events, Insights, Nomad Solutions|

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