Purchasing Mechanisms

GSA, a centralized procurement tool used by thousands of local, state, and federal agencies, can help streamline CMOC purchases. Nomad owns: 23V contract (multiple SIN’s). Contract: GS-30F-027BA

ADS is a master distributor of operational equipment to the DoD. Nomad partners with ADS on complex solutions that can be difficult to execute with centralized procurement.

DLA HEPP can be utilized by military and federal agencies to purchase Nomad CMOCs. Visit this page, scroll to “Fire & Emergency Vehicles,” see our contract under SPE8EC13D0031.

Safeware and Mallory are suppliers of public safety and emergency preparedness equipment. Local and state agencies can often simplify their procurement process by utilizing these contracts.

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GSA Disaster Recovery Purchasing

Nomad solutions are eligible for purchase via the GSA Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program. GSA’s strong partnerships can help cities and towns meet their needs quickly while saving taxpayer dollars.

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Free E-Book: Your Procurement Roadmap

Purchasing a mobile ops solution doesn’t have to be complex. We’ve put over two decades of procurement experience into an easy-to-read e-book, packed with insights and real-world customer stories.

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