Nomad Blog2024-03-04T21:13:44+00:00

Blog Articles

New Technology in DC Water Tactical Command Vehicle

Nomad has been working with DC Water since 2013 to develop mobile assets that improve operational effectiveness, enhance quality of service and drive productivity.  DC Water provides drinking water and collects and treats wastewater in the District of Columbia over an area approximately 725 square miles to 672,000 residents and 17.8 million annual visitors.   TCV Features Touch [...]

August 25, 2016|Customer Stories|

An Illustrated Guide to the History of Nomad GCS

For over 15 years Nomad has been figuring out a better way to design communication solutions for mobile operations. This is the story of how 4 river guides with an idea created not only a successful business, but also a revolutionary process for furthering the safety and well being of lives everyday. Download PDF

July 26, 2016|News and Releases|

U.S. Army Corps Response to Hurricane Sandy

In 2012 Hurricane Sandy hammered the east coast of the U.S. where storm surges were 14 feet above the average low tide and severely damaged subways and roadway tunnels in New York and New Jersey. The effects were devastating and left millions of people without power. With the mass transit system inoperable, the U.S. [...]

July 11, 2016|Customer Stories|

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